Five Scintilating Scenarios for the Year of the Snake
Snakes symbolise regeneration and transformation
Snakes symbolise regeneration and transformation
Indian telecom billionaire Sunal Mittal declared that “the man has balls of steel”
The BoJ has taken on the appearance of an enormous and dangerous Moby Dick.
Japan is now a more strategically important player than ever before in the post-war era
The Showa depression of the early 1930s led to the era of “government by assassination”
Higher immigration is a certainty, given that opinion surveys show a large majority of the public accepting the case.
Could it be that Buffett sees a more cosmopolitan Japan filling a crucial new role?
One thing is for sure – unlike most of his predecessors, he will be remembered.
“We have come to live in a controlled environment, with its fake money, fake interest rates, fake economy, fake jobs, and fake politicians…”
2022 was definitely a “Roubini year”, but 2023 could well be a “Pinker year”