Yukio Mishima

Culture Politics

The Provocateur: Reconsidering Shintaro Ishihara


Ishihara helped to mould the era, and the era helped to mould him

Culture Reflections

Burn On, Joe! A 1960s Manga Icon Lifts Spirits Today


“Old man, I’m begging you… let me carry on… until there’s nothing left of me but white ashes,..”

Articles Culture

Mishima in the Twenty First Century


Can you imagine best-selling novelist Haruki Murakami leading a coup attempt against Japanese Prime Minister Suga?

Articles Culture

The Return of Yukio Mishima


“It’s not an accident that Don Quixote encounters strange things,” he mused. “It’s caused by his personality… I’m a Don Quixote.”

Culture Reflections Shuji Terayama

The Gambler Vs. The Bodybuilder: Shuji Terayama Meets Yukio Mishima


Strangely enough, it is the approach of the iconoclastic Terayama that seems more in tune with traditional Japanese aesthetics

Culture Reflections Shuji Terayama

P***ing in the Churchyard: Terayama, Yoko Ono and The Beatles


Mishima spent much of the time examining the hysterical response of young women in the audience, which he found mystifying.

Books Culture

New Book: “On Kurosawa – A Tribute to the Master Director”


My latest book “On Kurosawa – A Tribute to the Master Director” explores AK’s work and life

Articles Culture

We’d Love to Change Your Head: Japan’s Beatlemanic Moment


Into this maelstrom came The Beatles, the biggest act on the planet and symbol of youthful hedonism

Culture Reflections

R.I.P. Bowie: “Like some cat from Japan…”


David Bowie and Yukio Mishima both staged their own deaths as pieces of performance art.

Articles Culture Reflections Shuji Terayama

Tomorrow’s Joe


The Japanese Red Army militants who hi-jacked a JAL plane to Pyongyang in 1970 claimed “we are Tomorrow’s Joe.” The survivors remain in Pyongyang today and are now on Twitter.