Beware The Psycho
Back in 2002 Ben Bernanke recommended the deployment of “helicopter money” – meaning a broad-based tax cut financed by the central bank – as the best cure for deflation.
Back in 2002 Ben Bernanke recommended the deployment of “helicopter money” – meaning a broad-based tax cut financed by the central bank – as the best cure for deflation.
Remarkably even Zimbabwe, once the poster-child for hyperinflation, is now in deflation
What havoc might result if the Chinese authorities were to stage a large-scale currency depreciation?
The UK and France added a few extra percent to their GDPs by including drug-dealing, prostitution and smuggling.
Fear of shortages may be hard-wired in the human brain, leading us to worry about threats that are fading and downplay those that loom large.
Today’s China resembles a blurry overlay of at least three different phases of Japan’s historical trajectory
We have something akin to a poorly microwaved pizza — parts are still frozen and parts hot enough to blister your lips.
What do Vice, the FT and the WSJ have that the Washington Post, Business Week and many other once iconic titles do not?
Yet successful conservative politicians are always empiricists, not idealists…
Even Iceland, this century’s poster-child for financial excess, is almost back to peak economic activity