This Year’s Model
“In theory there is no gap between practice and theory; in practice there is.”
“In theory there is no gap between practice and theory; in practice there is.”
Japan now finds itself in a deeply uncomfortable position… As Hamlet might have put it, to join or not to join, that is the question.
This goes a long way to explaining the remarkable fall in the suicide rate over the past several years, which has reversed nearly all of the sharp increase of the late 1990s.
Japanese bureaucracies, like others elsewhere, react to the prospect of transparency like a vampire reacts to the coming of daylight.
Japan has become the region’s low cost producer in a range of industries, from shipbuilding to software engineering….
Piketty’s tome was also the “least read” bestseller, with the average reader getting through just 2% of the text.
In terms of economic policy it is the populists that are pragmatic and the technocrats who inhabit cloud cuckoo land.
High commodity prices were a mechanism for enriching plutocrats, oligarchs and sovereign wealth funds – effectively turning global labour income into capital which was then recycled into securities, prime real estate and art…
Asakusa, a downtown area fast becoming Tokyo’s new hipster central, is now a destination for foreign backpackers.
In this age of womenomics and passive “herbivore” males, is there any room for the strong silent type prepared to risk everything?