Japan is Still the Future
In demographics too, Japan is looking more like a pioneer than an outlier.
In demographics too, Japan is looking more like a pioneer than an outlier.
On that basis, new highs should come sooner rather than later.
Politically, most Western countries are not in the same postcode… societies are already polarizing and political systems buckling.
Far from soaring interest rates, as doomsters consistently predicted, Japanese bond yields have fallen to vanishing point.
“Yoko Ran’s singing voice… seems to drag the listener back into the darkness of the womb.”
The music industry is “a cruel and shallow money trench, where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs.”
Trade has already been weaponized in East Asia – and so, of course, has history.
Both Carmen and Terayama were brought up by single mothers – who were themselves often absent – with little or no memory of their fathers.
The last Cold War was marked by espionage, subversion, intense propaganda and proxy wars. The new one is unlikely to be different.
Tezuka stands in relation to Japanese manga rather as Akira Kurosawa does to Japanese film