Japan Reflates

Amidst all this activity, the position of Japan is absolutely, well, pivotal. From the US point of view, a wealthy, confident and committed ally is a vital asset in what it is likely to be a long drawn out strategic game

Have a Golden Breakfast

Gold did not rise to these giddy heights by accident. A bull market of this scale requires widespread distrust of other financial assets, of the banking system, of capitalism itself

Killing Godzilla

Only right-wing nationalists, communists and neo-pagans dare propose the time-honoured method of regaining lost competitiveness

Armageddon Outta Here

The Greeks could do us all a favour by voting Trotskyite and neo-pagan and thus ending a saga that could go on for decades.

Lucifer Rising in the Eurozone

Crowley died a penniless heroin addict, but it could be argued that today’s world is more congruent with his thinking than that of Marx, Mill or any of the great religious leaders.

Marine’s Movies

Le Pen’s mini-review of Braveheart is to the point. “How can we not be moved by this historical panorama celebrating patriotism, courage, honour and sacrifice, embodied in a man of the people…”

Beyond the Stereotypes

Long ago my father used to tell a joke that went like this – What is the definition of heaven? To have an American salary, a British house, a Chinese cook and a Japanese wife. What is the definition of hell? To have a Chinese salary, a Japanese house, a British cook and an American wife

Reflating Japan

The triple disasters of March 2011 – earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear contamination – offered a stark depiction of Japan’s strengths and weaknesses to the world and perhaps to the Japanese themselves.