Abe Gets His Ya-Ya’s Out

The LDP, like the Rolling Stones, is a dinosaur outfit. Both lack the energy levels of their nineteen sixties heyday , but still manage to wipe the floor…

Japan Goes For Growth

The message was clear – deflation was the fault of Japan’s inadequately fertile womenfolk, not the elite officials of the central bank

Japan Reflates

Amidst all this activity, the position of Japan is absolutely, well, pivotal. From the US point of view, a wealthy, confident and committed ally is a vital asset in what it is likely to be a long drawn out strategic game

Killing Godzilla

Only right-wing nationalists, communists and neo-pagans dare propose the time-honoured method of regaining lost competitiveness

Marine’s Movies

Le Pen’s mini-review of Braveheart is to the point. “How can we not be moved by this historical panorama celebrating patriotism, courage, honour and sacrifice, embodied in a man of the people…”

Reflating Japan

The triple disasters of March 2011 – earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear contamination – offered a stark depiction of Japan’s strengths and weaknesses to the world and perhaps to the Japanese themselves.

Austerity Fatigue: LePen & Hash-ism

The road to fiscal hell is sometimes paved with the best intentions. As Europe’s politicians seek to win electorates round to brutal budget cuts, they would do well to look to the experience of Japan.