Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child
By then she had jettisoned her hippy chanteuse persona and joined Blues Creation, featuring Japan’s answer to Jeff Beck, Kazuo Takeda on guitar.
By then she had jettisoned her hippy chanteuse persona and joined Blues Creation, featuring Japan’s answer to Jeff Beck, Kazuo Takeda on guitar.
Matsu-san the sushi chef died in a car accident. Mari the hostess committed suicide and my father Hachiro died of disease when fighting in the war. My young cousin Tatsuo was stabbed to death.
“So apart from achieving full employment and doubling stock prices in two years, what has Abenomics done for us? Absolutely nothing!”
Yoshida’s fibs were meat and drink to foreign journalists eager to emphasize the uniqueness of Japan’s depravity….
Two of Shuji Terayama’s maternally-themed tanka poems from the early 1960s.
“Dick didn’t do macroeconomics. He didn’t do Japan. He didn’t do Limeys and he didn’t do listening. Dick just did Dick”
We’ll be talking about Terayama at the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation in London on May 30th
The woman, Kazuko, is a newly-wed emigrant from Okinawa who soon discovers the power of her sexuality and exploits it to the hilt…
In the battle for the Economics Premier League, Monetarist United has pulled well ahead of big-spending Keynes City and the hard men of Vienna F.C.
Herr Schmidt was quite mistaken in his view that Japan is the Billy No Mates of Asia