Ayn Rand

Articles Business Culture Finance

No Panties Capitalism – Are We Turning Japanese?


Shabu shabu is a simple but delicious Japanese dish in which transclucently thin slices of beef are dipped into a boiling broth of vegetables and tofu. A few seconds will do; just enough for the meat to turn pinky-grey.

Articles Finance

Bonuses Don’t Create Bubbles


It’s the end of a quarter of a century of Reaganomics. It’s the end of equities, of globalization, of capitalism itself. We need a new system, a new economics, a whole new set of values. The bull market in overheated rhetoric is in full swing, and as is so often the case when a bubble bursts, there is a strong reaction against the intellectual foundations of the era that spawned it, spiced with rage against the people who benefited so handsomely.