North Korea

Articles Politics

Trump’s Path to the Nobel Prize


Beijing ordered dramatic cuts in fuel, food and maintenance supplies to North Korea earlier this year

Articles Politics

Not Dead Yet: TPP.2 Could Be Bigger and Better


Autocrats everywhere will have been inspired by Xi Jinping’s recent move to tear up the rulebook and set up a dictatorship.

Articles Politics

Assassin’s Creed: North Korea at the Brink


The lesson the North Koreans have learned is that bluster, brutality and blackmail make for a winning strategy.

Books Culture Fiction Reflections

North Korean Assassination: The Novel!


“Through the seething jungles of Mindanao, across the baking emptiness of Mongolia and into the Dear Leader’s personal pleasure dome.”

Articles Culture Reflections

Historical Fiction


Herr Schmidt was quite mistaken in his view that Japan is the Billy No Mates of Asia

Articles Culture

A French Kiss from Japan


There’s more to Japan’s new first couple than meet the eye. The prime minister’s wife, Miyuki Hatoyama, claims to have befriended Tom Cruise in a previous life when he was, apparently, Japanese. Meanwhile the prime minister himself has been behaving like the re-incarnation of a French intellectual.