Can Japan Become the Sixth Eye?
With a new Asia-focused Cold War taking shape, the idea that capital should flow across borders unimpeded is for the birds
With a new Asia-focused Cold War taking shape, the idea that capital should flow across borders unimpeded is for the birds
In demographics too, Japan is looking more like a pioneer than an outlier.
On that basis, new highs should come sooner rather than later.
Politically, most Western countries are not in the same postcode… societies are already polarizing and political systems buckling.
Far from soaring interest rates, as doomsters consistently predicted, Japanese bond yields have fallen to vanishing point.
Two decades of “turning European” could prove disastrous. I really think so.
For him to suggest that it is better for prices to fall than rise is equivalent to the Pope renouncing Catholicism.
Referendums can be tricky operations, as former British Prime Minister David Cameron found out
Super-low interest rates and tame inflationary expectations would be unlikely to survive the elevation to prime minister of Jeremy Corbyn…
Paul Krugman declared “Japan used to be a cautionary tale, but the rest of us have messed up so badly that it almost looks like a role model”