
Culture Reflections

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire


Yoshida’s fibs were meat and drink to foreign journalists eager to emphasize the uniqueness of Japan’s depravity….

Articles Politics

Whatever Happened to the Beijing Consensus?


Countries do not always act in their own best interests, as historian Barbara Tuchman established in “The March of Folly”

Culture Reflections

Stranded in the Jungle


The woman, Kazuko, is a newly-wed emigrant from Okinawa who soon discovers the power of her sexuality and exploits it to the hilt…

Articles Culture Reflections

Historical Fiction


Herr Schmidt was quite mistaken in his view that Japan is the Billy No Mates of Asia

Articles Politics

Abe Offers Japanese Lessons for Europe


A job for anybody who wants one – a phenomenon which must seem like a distant dream to millions of unemployed youngsters in the Eurozone.

Articles Culture Politics

Tokyo’s New Guv’nor


Ishihara’s legacy includes exterminating thirty thousand crows and ordering the removal of the Tsukiji fish-market, much loved by tourists…

Articles Finance

Exorcising the Deflationary Demon


Since Japan’s problem is almost the mirror image of the turmoil buffeting emerging markets, there would be little downside in putting the pedal to the metal.

Culture Politics

Where’s Voldemort?


Every time the focus is on the events of seventy and eighty years ago, it means a loss for Japan and a win for China

Articles Business Politics

Higher Wages are Coming to Japan


British prime ministers would invite union leaders and heads of industry to Number 10 Downing Street in order to thrash out wage deals over beer and sandwiches

Articles Politics

Shinzo Abe’s Challenge to China


A misjudgement by either side could set off a violent chain-reaction embroiling many other powers, Sarajevo 1914-style